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We are delighted that you've dropped by our website!

We are the Anglican Churches in Macksville, Nambucca Heads, Stuarts Point and Bowraville, NSW.  On our website you will find church service times, worship opportunities, places to pray online, sermons to read, information on weddings, baptisms, links for parents, and so much more. 

We pray that you will enjoy exploring our church website.

You might also like to check out our Facebook Page at Anglican Parish of Nambucca Valley. Anglican Parish of Nambucca Valley | Facebook
Macksville and Nambucca Heads Anglican Op Shop | Facebook

We love to welcome people into the life of our community whether you're young or old, have been following Jesus for a long time or just want to know more about God and the relationship that you can have with him through Jesus. We look forward to meeting you, either on-line or in person.

Our Belief

As a church, we believe that everyone is a person known, loved and valued by God and that God desires that you grow to become the best person that he intends you to be.  It is our desire to support you to achieve that which God intends for you. 

Our Vision

Our vision is to become an intergenerational community of Christian disciples relating and worshipping in the church, in the community, and at home.


To love God, to love others, and to love life.


Being the presence of Christ in the community.

A Prayer for the Future of our Parish:

Bountiful God,

grant to our parish a new and exciting future.

Guide those who have been called

to develop a plan for future ministries

in the Nambucca Valley, encourage them

to seek your guidance.

May the future ministry in this region

be strong, inviting and inspirational.

We pray for warm and generous hearts

as we face the challenge you are calling us

to undertake.

We ask this in the Name of the One

who sends us out to share the Good News,

Jesus Christ our Lord.


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