Home Group
On Wednesdays we join together for discussion around a Bible passage
during the 9.30 am service in Holy Trinity, Macksville and
at 11.00 am in St Johns, Nambucca Heads.
Everyone is welcome - please come and join in the discussion.
Dear friends
As we come to the end of the Season of Creation, we have been asked
for a new Bible Study to take us through to Advent. In August we read
in John 6 with Jesus saying “I am the bread of life”, so have decided to use
an eight week study called “I AM”, by Marcus Nodder.
We will be using this study at St John’s in NH and Holy Trinity in MV on a
Wed morning, starting on 6 Oct through to 24 Nov. The group in Bowraville
will meet on the Thu of that week. We have ordered 30 copies of the book,
available next week for $10. To ensure we can read ahead of the study, we
have copied the first study titled “I am THE BREAD”, available in Church this
I hope you are able to be part of this study.
Grace and peace, Pete
At Macksville we reconvene for coffee in the Elk Cafe after the study.
please contact the office on 02 6568 9029 if you would like to know more.
Parish Prayer Time
8.00am Each Tuesday @ St Johns, Nambucca Heads
8.30am Each Wednesday @ Holy Trinity, Macksville
We currently do not have any groups meeting in a home; however, we believe
that Home Groups are important. If you would like to be part of a Home Group
(e.g, attending, hosting), please contact Rev Peter on 0439 770 487
The importance of home groups is indicated in Hebrews 10: 19-25, which
teaches us that:
We can come to God directly through Jesus, we do not need an intermediary. (vv. 19, 20)
To draw near to God we need (vv. 22, 23):
a sincere heart - undivided allegiance;
full assurance of faith - no hesitation in trusting and following Christ;
hearts sprinkled ... from a guilty conscience - total freedom from a sense of guilt based on the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ; and
We must commit to: spur one another on toward love and good deeds; not give up meeting together and encourage one another. (Heb 10: 24-25 and 3:13)
What should we do when we meet together?
Acts 2:42-47 Early Church precedent for home groups:
Study Jesus' teaching, especially the Gospel,
Fellowship together,
Break bread - the Lord's Supper,
Voluntarily share if any are in need
Eat together, with gladness and generosity
From Heb 10: 22, 23 we agree that to draw near to God we need
a sincere heart - undivided allegiance;
full assurance of faith - no hesitation in trusting and following Christ;
hearts sprinkled ... from a guilty conscience - total freedom from a sense of guilt based on the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ; and
bodies washed with pure water - inner cleansing.
From Heb 10: 24-25 and 3:13 we agree that what we must we do is
spur one another on toward love and good deeds; not give up meeting together and encourage one another.
Also, Acts 2:42-47 shows us that when we meet together we should:
Study Jesus' teaching, especially the Gospel,
Fellowship together,
Break bread - the Lord's Supper,
Pray together,
Voluntarily share if any are in need,
Eat together, with gladness and generosity,
Praise god,
Bring others as the Lord adds to our numbers.
From our study of these passages we conclude the following:
* Leadership ideally should be shared to spur one another on to develop and grow in our Christian walk.
* There should be an emphasis on meeting for fellowship.
* Praying for each other's needs should be an important activity of each meeting.
* A prayer chain of group members should ideally operate for urgent prayer requests.
* We should praise God in prayer and music.
* Flexibility in activities is a desirable feature of the home group.
* We may choose to meet at each other’s homes or any other socially convenient location.
* We should have the freedom to invite non-Christian friends if the opportunity should arise.