Noel Jackson Memorial Bursary
Proudly supported by the Anglican Parish of Macksville and Bishop Druitt College
From 2020 a 50% bursary is available to a new or current student at Bishop Druitt College who is entering Year 10 or Year 11 and who is associated with the Anglican faith. The bursary is open to students who live in the Nambucca Valley area including: Stuarts Point, Grassy Head, Macksville and Yarrahapinni areas. The bursary is ongoing, up to a maximum of three years, provided all conditions upon which the bursary was awarded are met.
Completed bursary applications and supporting documents must be emailed to secretary@bdc.nsw.edu.au by 31 May annually.
Shortlisted applicants may be interviewed firstly by the Rector of the Anglican Parish of Macksville (currently Reverend Peter Shayler-Webb) and secondly by the Principal of Bishop Druitt College Mr Nick Johnstone, or his delegate.
The succesful applicant, if new to BDC, will need to complete the BDC enrolment process:
https://www.bdc.nsw.edu.au/join-our-school/enrolments or contact enrolments@bdc.nsw.edu.au
General conditions for the Bursary
General conditions applying to this bursary are subject to an annual review and include the following:
The student must be supportive of the values and ethos of the college
The student must contribute positively to the co-curricular life of the college
The student must abide by the rules, regulations and expectations in place during their time at the college
This bursary supersedes any existing discount, such as a sibling discount. Concessions are NOT cumulative.
Whichever is the greater applies.
To download an application form, click on the PDF icon:
Who was Noel Jackson? Read Noel's story here: